In what he called an unprecedented move, O’Brien said he would seek to take control of the Mongols’ name, which the gang has trademarked, through a restraining order barring them from wearing it.
Health campaigns aimed at keeping teens and others from drinking and driving, smoking and other risky behaviors often use shame and guilt to get their messages across.
But a new study finds anti-drinking ads can actually spur increased binge drinking for some audiences.
“The situation is worse than wasted money or effort,” said study researcher Adam Duhachek, a marketing professor at Indiana University. “These ads ultimately may do more harm than good, because they have the potential to spur more of the behavior they’re trying to prevent.” -
The elders at Ecclesia Church were expecting something tame from Jackson Potts II for their annual Stations of the Cross art display.
Instead, the 10-year-old produced a photo of his kid brother being beaten by a police officer. Jackson says it’s a modern-day interpretation of Roman soldiers beating Jesus. -
In previous years it has been almost impossible for interested parties to get their hands on an actual Japanese Airlines outfit because JAL, who is aware of the subversive sexual appeal of their uniforms, has done everything in their power to keep the outfits off the black market. A spokesperson for JAL has said that it is, “virtually impossible for an individual to hold on to their uniform after they have left their job”. The company has even gone so far as to install serial numbers into every item of clothing it distributes to keep careful records of the locations of every item of clothing and who is responsible for it around the world.
KINSHASA, CONGO — This vast central African nation is known for many things: the massive corruption of the late leopard-hat-wearing dictator Mobutu Sese Seko, grinding poverty, a devastating conflict in the east. But it is worth noting that Congo is also home to a formidable cult of high fashion, as demonstrated by the scene at a rickety, sheet-iron pool hall here one recent Sunday.
“We’ve hijacked the site; we’re a fashion brand and we wanted to get involved in an irreverent way. It’s a fun medium, although it’s also weird, sad and strange. We only put up a small prize, because we don’t want to look like we’re trying too hard,” FCUK’s marketing director William Woodhams told AdAge.
It’s a family affair.
“Please realize that horsehoe moustaches are in close competition with full, unkempt beards for the facial hair style women hate most. Even when it’s well-groomed, at best a handlebar moustache will make you look like you’re emulating a cheesy ’70s biker. This style is even more of a turnoff when you have to put product in your facial hair to mold it into place. Horseshoe moustaches should therefore only be donned by men who are intrigued by the idea of experimenting with an extended period of celibacy. For a much more chic style that still permits you to have a significant amount of facial hair, try a balbo, like the one Robert Downey Jr. is often snapped wearing.”
This shitty site is for regular-ass vanilla normals. -
George Harrison is 14, John Lennon is 16, and Paul McCartney is 15.
I woke up in the night to have my bed clothes pulled off me by an unseen force..my jammy bottoms were also yanked off just as i switched the bedside light on, just as i relised it wasn’t my oversexed wife ( she was at work on nights) the ‘invisble entity’ grabbed and then started to ‘fiddle with my twinkle’
Athough I writhed and bucked about and cried out ‘give it to me baby’ I found the whole thing a horrid experience..
The only natural explaination i can think it could be is an realistic wet dream……… or did a ghost rape me? -
Scientific examination of the subject has found that as the use of porn increases, the rate of sex crimes goes down.
In 2005, researchers in Switzerland gave 29 test subjects a sniff of the neuropeptide oxytocin, a.k.a. the “love drug,” known to play a role in developing trust and social attachment in mammals, before having them play a financial investment game. The result? Almost half of the trust-primed oxy sniffers handed all their francs to an anonymous partner. Now insiders say the military may be in the process of weaponizing oxytocin and similar compounds.
“And yeah, I had too much coffee, I started to get chest pains so I went to the hospital and they told me to stop drinking the coffee.”
In August 1990, researchers reported in the journal Nature the discovery of receptors in the brain that specifically accommodate the cannabinoids in pot. Cannabinoids bind to particular neurological sites in the brain, as though the brain was specifically designed to utilize this plant. Did nature toss cannabinoid receptors into the brain by random chance? Are cannabinoid receptors part of an intelligent design for deriving maximum benefit from cannabis? Is cannabis a divine elixir of sacred communion for which we are ideally suited?
The source said one gunman is thought to have injected himself with large doses of stimulant so he could keep on fighting after he was seriously wounded.
The error occurred on the Kids On Demand and Kids Preschool On Demand channels where clips from Playboy TV appeared in the top right hand corner.
Although a menu of available children’s programming was listed on the left side of the screen, previews showing nude women engaged in explicit conversations were shown where previews of children’s shows normally would appear. -
Can’t be bothered to chew your food? Too tired to cook and looking for a quick meal? It seems that in such circumstances a growing number of adults may consider opening a jar of baby food.
The world’s largest baby food manufacturer, Hipp, has said an increasing number of adults are turning to its pre-cooked, pureed meals because they find them easier to swallow and digest. -
Conone told police he would put his keys between his fingers and strike the children when their parents weren’t looking. He said he’d been doing it since January because he liked the excitement of getting away with it.
This past Saturday the NYPD arrested William “Billy” Leroy who runs the “last eclectic antique and prop store on the Bowery” Billy’s Antiques for selling old subway signs.
Thanks Claw$. -
Two people have died and five are injured after a man painting graffiti at a Mexico City subway station opened fire when police tried to stop him.
Two Illinois women claim they found marijuana roaches in the bottom of their Popeyes french fries bag
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